I had another adult moment today when I went to report for jury duty. Lately I have been having more and more moments when I realized that I am really an adult even if there are times when I don't feel like it.
We all huddled into this big court room so that the judge could explain what our duties were and that he does not let people out of their duty for little reasons, not even his own mom. He even told us that he once had to serve on a jury after he was a judge, and while he considered exempting himself, he decided that it was his duty just as it was everyone else's. He said that Bush was called to serve while he was govenor and that he has now been called in his hometown of Crawford. So I kept the fact that it was the second week of school and I wanted to be excused to myself.
We were split up into four panels for jury selection and sent to different court rooms for different trials. We waited for a little over an hour and then the judge decided to break for lunch. So I went and ate with Jonathan and then came back and waited for 45 minutes to be called in to be questioned by the lawyers. They asked some general questions to everyone and I didn't give any strange answers, in fact I only spoke once, but I was not chosen.
I'm glad for two reasons, one I didn't want to miss more school and it was a custody suit and I think it would have been a very hard trial. I would have liked to see the whole trial process though, I think it would have been very educational.
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
I have been called twice and served both times, and I did find that it was interesting. I am glad you do not need to miss more school. Good for our kids!
Oohhhh nice new layout. You look like a pro now. It is not one of the defaults. Where did you get it?
I think it was Juanita. I heard she's very handy for blog stuff. She found it here and just changed some colors.
Definitely Juanita. She posted an entry on my blog too! I don't even like Pepsi.
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