Bryan was very dissapointed in me when he found out I quit my job. He said, "Becca why did you do that? You should get your job back." On Sunday we went out to lunch with some friends and we told Bryan that he needed to order off the kids menu and not get the pizza. So when we got there he saw another kid order the pizza and he told his friends that he wanted some. They said well order some. He told them that "Becca quit her job and now we don't have any money. Jonathan has to work all the time!" We had to have a talk about money and explain that we still have money, we are just living on a budget. He still thinks that I need to get my job back.
Monday we hung around the house for the morning and then went to playgroup at church. Bryan had fun pushing the little kids around. Then that afternoon we made some edible play dough. It wasn't as good as I remembered it from nursery school. But I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I was three the last time I tried it. We put blue food coloring in it, but it turned out green!
Tuesday we went swimming and had fun. Kylee got a little frustrated b/c she couldn't reach the water while she was in her float. She was find while I was holding her because she could splash! She lasted about an hour and then we had to leave so she could take a nap.
Yesterday we made monkey munch. I have become a huge fan of Jon and Kate plus 8 (TLC). Kate makes monkey munch on the show and always talks about how much her kids like it. So I looked up the recipe and Bryan and I tried it out. It is fantastic! I call it fat in a bag. It has p.b., butter, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, pretzels, corn chex and it called for m & m's but we didn't have any. Here are some pictures!
We are leaving tonight to go down to Austin for the 4th of July! We will be swimming and grilling out. Bryan will get to see all of the family except Karen and Scott :( We have to take him back on Sunday and I am not looking forward to that day.
He has made remarkable progress in the two months he has been in Stephenville. He is speaking with better grammar, interacting with peers in a kind way, and is even able to take criticism. As one of my friends said, it is good to know that we did the right thing.
1 comment:
It was good to see Bryan at church and at Play group! That's so funny about lunch at Luigi's...I must have missed that conversation with the Locklin kiddos about the pizza!! Aren't kids funny in their logic?!
Anyhow, he seemed to be so happy, I know it must warm your heart to see him making strides in life! HUGS :)
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