Today was our first staff day back at school. I usually take a tylenol pm or something similar for the first day back because I usually have trouble sleeping...what will my schedule be, how many kids will I have, etc. But since I am pregnant I could not take such a pill. I went to sleep around 10:30 and there began the longest night ever. I hadn't had much to drink yesterday, so I was hoping my constant restroom breaks might be less frequent, but boy was I wrong. I think I went every hour until 12 and then every 30 minutes. Needless to say I was not getting any deep sleep. I woke up at 3:30 to eat and visit the facilities and I never went back to sleep. It was a very long day. I'm hoping that tonight will be better!
I decided not to take a nap in hopes that I will sleep through the night. We'll see.
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
I hope you're sleeping better tonight than I am.
ask your obgyn about taking melitonin. It is a natural sleep aid.
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