Okay so we finally have a blog. Everyone has been bugging me to make one so here I go.
I have been frantically running around trying to make graduation invitations. It seems like such a nice idea to make graduation invitations at home, save money with not too much work right? Well I spent just over an hour looking for a sort of template on the internet to even see what a graduation invitation is supposed to look like. I ran to Staples to buy printing supplies and then spent an hour trying to feed the "special" paper into the printer. That didn't work so I went back to staples and had to buy even more stuff. All in all I think that I only saved about $10 in making my own invitations. The things we will do for our husbands.
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
I LOVE the title Becca! I'm so glad you have a blog now. First thing you need to do is upload an image of the invitation, then you won't have to worry about printing. You can email out the address and all can have a look see. Then it's free. :-)
Congratulations on joining the blogging world. However, I will tell you it can be brutal if you don't blog as much as SOME people think you should!
Thank you for the advice Ginger! Hopefully they will go easy on me.
I am so sorry I let the Blog out of the bag! I have gotten better about keeping things to myself lately, But I guess not yesterday.
I am so glad you got in the loop, now I can spend even more time on the computer. I do like it though and it is a lot of fun with so many of our friends and family using this and having a good time with it.
You must be careful of the order in which you put Chris, Amy, Ginger and Karen... Glad you got the invitations done... Dad cleaned out the refridgerator today...See you tomorrow.
Love, Mom
Yes, blogging is a dangerous sport, not for wimps!
Did you see the order mom used for the links? That is the order you should use.
Do you have a graduation date, yet?
Thanks, Mom. Could Dad come clean out my refrigeraor?
Chris, yes I have a date Aug. 19th at 6:00. So maybe you could watch him graduate, run on stage and give him a hug of congratulations and then run to your car and make it to work.
I will consider my order when I finally figure out how to put other's blogs on the page! I have a long way to go.
After Dad does Becca's will he come over and do ours, too?
Sorry Chris, it was only Becca's little refridgerator that dad cleaned.
Ruth Ann, where are you? This is so fun... it's like we're all together, visiting in the same room... oops - that caused a tear... and now a huge smile and some more tears. Silly me...
Aren't you all supposed to be at church?
Hello Reynolds and Nystom families! I don't want to break up a goog group cyber hug, but I wanted to tell Becca hello and welcome. And also, My blog is first on your list, right? RIGHT?
that's "good", not "goog"
Ginger linked first? How can that be?
Becca--I got the other fireplace ornament at Pier One, and now I am in the process of buying some candles for it...sorry, I hope you are not too disappointed about the trade...does anyone know how I could reach a Party Lite distributor?
Karen--as you can see, I finally showed up...:)
I had to check my email first...I am waiting on a very important one from my sister...:)
Christopher--I guess I haven't told you about my "cleaning refrigerator strategy" yet...I have finally found what works for me...I have it divided into sections, and I spend 15 minutes every Wednesday cleaning one section...so it is sort of a perpetual clean...every 6 wks. or so, it is all clean and then I start over...so Dad, you're off the hook...refrigerator cleaning is covered over here....:)
You have to talk to Chris through the blog?! Oh wait, you're working on the idea that we're all in the same room. Cool. Dad stays in the loop through Mom. He's too busy with the kitties anyway. Now Debi needs a blog.
Oh, and Chris, yes I was 15 minutes late to church, but it was a heartwarming moment that I couldn't pass up this morning.
Yes, I find that talking to him through blog is faster...if I want to talk to him real time, I have to wait until he is finished blogging, which could be hours, so this way, I know he will get my msg. in a matter of minutes...
Pretty funny, huh? Actually, it is really fun...sometimes we send each other email even tho we are sitting in the same room...LOL.
It is hard to argue when you only communicate via blog.
Blogging has saved out marriage!
Hey fam and Amy! I had lots of friends who chatted in college even though they were in the same room, so you are right on target in the blogging world. Maybe you should start traveling the country and giving marriage seminars on blogging!
I definetely think that we should work on Debi getting a blog.
Ruth Ann,
I'm glad that you found a candle thing that you liked!
Okay about the order. I decided to have Ginger as my first link because she was the first person to comment on my blog when it first posted. then I put everyone else in alphabetical order, pretty fair right?
Fair? Well, it's your blog. I just hope nothin' happens to mess up your pretty blog. That's not a threat. I'm just sayin', you know, stuff happens.
What?!? Ginger was the only one that knew about it. It was a secret to everyone else. Of course she posted first! I think you should at least rotate the links weekly, if you are not going to follow your mothers orders above.
Is it just me or does Amy seem like one of those people that seem really nice on the outside, but is secretly a mass murderer or terrorist cell member?
Chris, what did we talk about? Keep quiet and no one gets hurt... or taken to the vet.
What!?! And miss out on the biscuits?
That's right, Chris. It's worth it for the biscuits. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?
Start the car, Ruth Ann!
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