Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Come on let's get it straight!

I have been up since about 3 this morning. The pregnancy insomnia has kicked in. It actually started before I even knew I was pregnant. I don't know why my body does this...I am exhausted all day and can't sleep at night.

We had a great weekend in Abilene. One of our cousins was getting married in Cisco so we headed out Saturday morning to Abilene to visit with family. Jonathan was unable to get off on Monday for the wedding so Kylee and I rode with Jonathan's parents. We got to Abilene about 3 on Saturday afternoon and headed over to Jama's for a lingerie party for Becky. I think I embarrased her a little! Everyone else bought cute little pajamas and let's just say that I got her some things for Trevor to enjoy :)

Kylee got quite fussy on the way up there. Here is her "How much longer Mommy?" face.

Kylee had a blast seeing all of her cousins. I don't think we have ever had them all together. She hung out with the boys, Nolan and Jackson. She was fascinated that there were different kinds of toys to play with like cars and lawn mowers. She took advantage of the situation. I think that I might have to find her a lawn mower.

Here are Kylee and Jackson when they first met...ahhh

Here is Jackson trying to love on Kylee again. As you can see Kylee is much more interested in playing with the toys.
Cousins Jackson and Nolan playing with the riding toys
Here is our newest cousin, Seth. He is ten weeks old. His sweet mommy Kori is holding him.
Kylee loved Jackson's rocking horse. I've got to get her one.

Saturday night we enjoyed dinner with the family and more playing for Kylee and Jackson. Kylee slept very well that night. Saturday night Jonathan drove up and spent one night with us. He got to see the bride for a little bit on Sunday even though he couldn't be at the wedding so that was nice.

Technically Kylee and Jackson are not related by blood. Don't they make a cute couple?

Sunday night was the rehearsal dinner. More playing and good food. We had a little devo before dinner and Kylee was not happy about being quiet. I took her to the back to find alternative entertainment. She wanted to get down during a prayer and I wouldn't let her. She then decided to slap me in the face. I told her no and she hit me on my back. We left out the back and she got a good spanking. Daddy wasn't there to console her so she was stuck with me, the mean Mommy who gave her the spanking. It took her a while to calm down. That was my first spanking without Jonathan around, it was not fun.

We thought it would be fun for Jackson and Kylee to take a bath together. We were wrong! This was the only time that they were smiling. Jackson decided to show Kylee how to use the bat. Then Jackson got a spanking and Kylee lost it. I guess she thought that she was going to get one too.

Monday was the BIG day! I spent half of the day in my pajamas while Kylee took a very long morning nap. Then I watched some TV and piddled around the house. It was very nice. The wedding was beautiful, but of course I left my camera in the car! It was at Cisco Christian Camp. They got married outside in a little amphetheater thing. It was very shady and there was even breeze. Becky looked beautiful!!

They had a very nice reception afterwards and I ate a second dinner. Kylee enjoyed all of the food. I had to bribe her with jellybeans to get her to pose for some pictures. Needless to say she really enjoyed that!

Tuesday morning we headed home and got here about 2. I was very excited to see Bryan (he stayed with my mom for the weekend). I think I am going to try and take him to a movie or something today. We need to have some Mom-son time :)


Sendy said...

Glad you had a great time! Congratulations on the pregnancy! How many weeks are you? Yay!

Michelle said...

Ugh, insomnia. I had that, too and it just didn't make any sense since I was so tired! I'm glad you had a good time in Abilene (my other hometown) and that you and Kylie got to see family and enjoy a beautiful wedding! I love weddings ;)

So um, how far along are you/when is your due date? This is so exciting!

Unknown said...

Oh man, Lily is entering that bratty stage where she tells mommy "NO!" and runs away and pitches a fit when we take something away or don't do what she wants. Sigh. We haven't started spanking yet, but I don't think it's too far off. I'm not looking forward to that phase!

Yeah, when is your due date?

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

Looks like a super fun time! Ha-- that's our old house! So fun to see pics. Hope you get some rest again soon!