Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here are pictures of the car.


Amy said...

A little duct tape and bondo and she'll be as good as new. Karen says your Dad knows a thing or two about getting a hopeless car up and running. Take it to him.

Karen said...

I don't quite think sticks and coke cans can fix this one. Yea, Becca learned how to post pictures!! What a mess!

Rebecca said...

Maybe when the insurance adjuster calls, we can suggest duct tape, thanks for the tip!

Karen I posted pictures, but not with the flickr, is that okay? It was very easy

Karen said...

Is that okay? She's asking me for permission. Yes, Becca. It's okay. It worked didn't it? I'll tell Juanita.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that you were not hurt, Jonathan. God is taking care of you! I 35 is a horrible road.

Chris said...

The back half of the car looks ok. Maybe you can get a new front half for half the price and duct tape them together?

Glan Jonathan is ok.

Chris said...

"Glan"? Never drink and type at the same type.

I suppose I meant to type "glad".

Karen said...

Even though it's now a week later, I see this picture (since it is still the first thing on here - no new posts) and I still get kind of choked up.

Chris said...

I always get a sick feeling in my stomach when I am around a car accident.

Chris said...

Happy Graduation Jonathan! Congrats! Sorry, again that I was unable to attend.