For those of you who understand the medicinal purposes of chocolate, today was one of those days. As soon as I was done with duty after school, I went straight to the snack machines to find a quick dose.
My day was great, the 5th graders were even corporative, but PK was crazy. PK is at the very end of the day so unfortunately that is what I remember at the end of the day. The deaf ed interpreter was in a meeting and couldn't make it to class, so their teacher had to come with them. I guess I haven't been teaching long enough, because I totally second guess everything that I do when there is someone new watching me. You might be wondering how you teach music to deaf ed students, well that is a whole different story.
So anyway, PK was a little wild and talking out the whole class. They didn't really want to cooperate and then when it was time to line up, we were 5 minutes late and they would not keep their hands to themselves. It was like they had only been making lines for two weeks!
Today I remembered what makes my job so challenging-the different age groups. I have to totally switch gears from 3rd graders to Pk in about 5 minutes. It really messes with your sanity. But at the same time, that is one of my favorite parts of my job, its never the same! The snickers bar was good.
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
It sounds like you earned it. Unfortunatly, now I want one.
Snickers are like that. I must say that is the one product where every time I see a commerical about it, I want one. Fortunately they haven't run the "Snickers satisfies" in a while.
Now they have them with almonds! I want one NOW!
Almonds? I might have to go and try one of those. Its like you take this wonderful candy bar and make it even better, amazing. Maybe next they could add peanut butter.
They used to sell one with peanut butter. I don't think it ever took off. It was good though.
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