Here is one of her as she found a treasure straight from the laundry room. A basket full of silkies and blankies. It doesn't get any better than this!
We had our first doctor's appt. about our little peanut today. He did go ahead and do an ultrasound and said everything looked good. Basically I just trusted him. He pointed out the sac and "pregnancy" as he called it, but I couldn't see anything. I'm hoping when we go back in a couple of weeks that our peanut will be big enough so we can hear a heartbeat. Kylee cried while the doctor was doing the ultrasound. I'm glad that Jonathan was there to help. The doctor tried to assure her that he wasn't hurting me, but she didn't trust him.
I went and picked out new glasses today. I was thankful to have a nurse that just said, "no those don't look good" to all of the pairs except the one I got. I need guidance in these things, especially since I am so blind when I have my glasses off and I have to get up really close to the mirror to see myself. :) The eye doctor said that my eyes were turning out and having trouble staying aligned. She said it was common during pregnancy and would most likely go away afterwards. I hope so, I haven't worn glasses full time since 8th grade. They are going to put prisms in my prescription to help. If only they could do that to contacts. It was interesting though, she held up the prisms to see how they worked and I could immediatly feel my eyes relax. I am looking forward to some relief.
Bryan has been down in Austin spending time with his cousins and Grandma this week. He is coming back in the morning, I am looking forward to seeing him. My mom offered to take Kylee too to give me a break, but I had a pregnant moment. I was packing her bag and burst into tears saying, "I might miss her, she can't go." In my defense I had been away from her that Friday night before. I know, I know I have to toughen up.