Having grown up in the big city of Austin, sometimes I miss the big city life. But today as I was driving around my small town I made some observations:
Top 10 reasons to live in a small town:
10. Driving all the way across town requires a huge committment of 15 mintues.
9. There aren't very many restaurants to eat at so the decision of where to go is greatly narrowed. (Jonathan and I have a hard time picking a place so this is a plus for us)
8. If you feel lonely and need to see some friends, you can just take a trip to Wal-Mart and find a few to talk to.
7. Things like vehicle registration and anything else done in a government building have no lines, or if they do, they consist of one person in front of you.
6. I am direcitonally chanllenged and a small town has less places to get lost. (But it is also more embarassing when you don't know where something is!)
5. The time that you spend at the mall with a teenager is cut in half because there just aren't very many stores, as my niece Brittney says, "Your mall has issues!"
4. You can find just about everything that you need on main street (luckily our neighborhood is right off of it)
3. You don't get bored with just one street name for every street. They all have a regular street name and an FM number (people always have to translate into street names for me, those numbers drive me crazy)
2. There are two main starting digits to remember for phone numbers, so really its kind of like college when you give out your last four digits.
1. People are generally nice in a small town and the pace is a lot slower. Plus I guess this is where God wants us to be and he has blessed us with some wonderful friends!
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago