Jonathan and I have begun sleep training as they call it. Jennifer J. recommended a book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." It had some really good research on sleep training so we started last night. We have been letting Kylee "cry it out" for about a month but this is how it goes. Night routine: bath, stories, feed, songs, put to bed. After 15 minutes of crying we go in and check on her. Then we let her cry for about 20 more minutes hoping that she will go to sleep. She usually doesn't so we go back in and I let her nurse and then she finally falls asleep. Our little angel will not take a pacifier and will not be rocked to sleep. If you even try to rock her she stands up and arches her back, trying her hardest to leap out of your arms. So nursing is the only time I ever get to cuddle with her.
But back to my sweet hubby. Last night Kylee cried for an hour and 15 minutes. The new method we are trying is to teach her to fall asleep without our help. Which means that we have to let her cry for as long as it takes (our limit is a little over an hour). So last night after about 45 minutes I was really having a hard time not checking on her. Jonathan thought of an errand-he needed gas for the lawn mower. So I left and when I got back she was asleep. Tonight it happened again, he sent me for super glue. I was glad to leave.
Monday he came home from work with a bag for me. It was new pajamas. He bought them for no reason at all-what a sweetie. I am always hinting that I would love for him to surprise me with something and he finally got it. My love language is acts of service, I don't really care what he gets me, or if he gets me anything at all. It is the act of thinking of me that I treasure :)
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
Hey Rebecca! It's good to hear from you! I remember Shyla saying that you were pregnant and due to have a baby sometime around when I was. Your sweetie is ab out 2 months older than Lily. Sleep patterns are tough! We're blessed that Lily is a really good sleeper, but we're just now getting to the point where we understand her patterns and what she wants and when. Good luck with Kylee!
Good luck on the sleep training! It's hard, but it has helped tremendously in our house!! Hang in there. She'll be a happier baby...and you'll be happier parents in no time! Great book, isn't it?
He is so considerate!
Good luck with sleep patterns!
I think I am going to have David come and read your a hint! That was indeed thoughtful of Jonathan. Good Luck with Kylie and her sleeping. Bless your heart, you've really had a tough time with this one area! One piece of advice a girlfriend gave me when B was a baby that always stuck out in my mind (and came true quicker than I thought it would)....there will indeed come a day when Kylie will sleep from 8-8, no interruptions or crying...just pure sleep. During those wee hours, I always thought about that...and it did come true! Sometimes, I am having to coax the older one out of bed with the smell of breakfast. It will happen one day, I promise! Hang in there!
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