Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Leaf

So I am going to try and turn over a new leaf. My babies are growing like weeds and I don't write down near enough stuff about them. I am going to try and post on my blog every day for a month. You know how you have to do something over and over again to make it a habit. Well here goes.

Today at work we had our staff Christmas party. It was a lot of fun to get to sit around and talk to all the teachers in a relaxed setting. We exchanged ornaments in true White Elephant fashion (with lots of stealing), ate a great potluck provided by our parents and had some much needed fellowship during this chaotic season.

I had to go back up to work after Jonathan got home to finish up some stuff I didn't get done today. While I was on my way back up to work I decided to give myself a treat. My favorite, a sonic reeses blast. It was very yummy. I was so proud of myself for using a little restraint and only eating half of it. Now we won't mention how I just downed a serving of monkey munch. Let's just remember that I did have self control earlier.

Bailey turned 9 months on Sunday. She celebrated with another double ear infeciton. Poor child. The doctor actually knows us now. When he saw that she had an infection he commented on how nursing should help with those. There was no looking at my chart for that, it came right out of his head. I often wonder as you hear the doctor coming how much they are scanning your chart so they can appear to remember the names of your kids, your name, what you do for a living etc. We expect doctors to be perfect, so I always try to pick out how their not. Isn't that terrible??

I cannot find the camera cord so I can't post any new pictures. Jonathan said that he will find it for me, so maybe there will be new pictures tomorrow.

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