-Will I be able to give both of them attention?
-Maybe we should have waited longer before getting pregnant again
-What will Kylee do while I nurse and take care of the baby?
-How will I be able to take a shower?
-Will I ever get a nap?
-Will I be able to love another child as much as I love Kylee?
Overall having a toddler and a newborn has not been as hard as I imagined. I thought that I would be completely overwhelmed. The first week it was hard, Bailey was having trouble nursing and all Kylee wanted to do was watch TV. I was tired so I let her watch way more tv than normal. Today I am going to try and limit her tv time to nursing sessions. Wish me luck!
I am very blessed b/c Bailey is such a great baby. She sleeps well (in the pink bouncy seat, not the bassinet), she is eating well and she only cries when she is hungry or has a poopy diaper. Kylee loves her very much. In fact she gets jealous when any other kid looks at her. I had to get on her at ladies Bible class today b/c she was yelling, "No my baby!!"
Kylee has been a little extra whiny, but not too bad. She still wants me to put her to bed every night, but she is coming to depend on Daddy more. I am thankful that so far I have been able to have a short nap almost every day. Kylee will pretty much go to sleep whenever I lay her down. So I just try to overlap their naps and so far it has worked. I am enjoying all of the sleeping that Bailey is doing b/c I know that it won't last!
The shower issue has been easier than I thought too. I just take one after Kylee's first morning feeding and leave Kylee in bed until I get done. Sometimes she fusses in bed, but I know it won't hurt her. I know it will get harder as Bailey has more wake time, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
All of my friends were right. As soon as you hold the new baby, you love her as much as the other sibling. I am learning how to hold both of them at the same time and its amazing how my lap has grown a little :) I am thankful for my two beautiful girls!! And yes I know that I need to change my ticker, but I don't know how.
Please keep Bryan in your prayers. He is having a hard time with a lot of issues and needs prayers. Thanks!
My sister Karen came down this past weekend and took some newborn pictures. Bailey was two weeks old and didn't want to sleep as much as a one week old would so we didn't get as many pictures as we had hoped. But here are some sweet ones!
Fixed your ticker... let me know if you want another one. Glad these two weeks have been a smooth transition for you.
Wonderful post Rebecca!
Your girls are both so beautiful and those pictures were so precious!
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