Friday night we had Bryan's favorite, pizza! Then we all played with the building blocks and legos together while watching Pirates of the Caringbing (as Bryan says it). We went to bed by ten. Bryan was still ready to stay awake, but us old people told him we had to call it a night.
This morning Jonathan had to go to work so Bryan and I enjoyed scrambled eggs (another of his favorites) and morning cartoons. Here is a picture of him and sis watching Spongebob!
As most of you know I was planning on being a band director after college, so somehow I started to inherit instruments. I have the following: flute, piccolo, saxophone, trombone, french horn, coronet, and clarinet. Bryan was playing them today and Kylee decided to join in.
Jonathan got home about 2:30 from work and sat down to eat lunch. Then about 2:35 he got a call from a farmer needing parts (he is on call this weekend). So we all loaded up to head to John Deere. Bryan loves to ride the gators there and we were planning to run some errands afterward. Bryan drove the gator and he did very well. I was the cautious mom and wouldn't let him go in reverse, but he exceeded my expectations. I told him he would be ready to drive when he is SIXTEEN! Kylee crawled around all over John Deere and got a thorough bath with wipes afterward.
We headed to Target and Bryan got a set of legos to take back home with him. He and Jonathan are building it right now. I think it is an airplane/spaceship. While we were in Target Kylee got very hungry and we had to buy some emergency puffs. She is always content once she is eating! I will leave you with some more cute pictures!