Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Catch up continued

We went to the zoo over Spring Break with my sister and her family. We had a lot of fun. Here is a picture of the kids. Look how enthusiastic Marjorie is (lower left corner).

Bryan took most of the pictures so they have bars in front of them or fingers covering them. Here is a good one of a hippo.

Random picture: Bryan often likes to play with his clothes hamper when it is empty. Our friend Tim was over here one evening and all of the boys decided to play aliens with their hampers. It was probably stinky in there!

Bryan also had his first baseball game. Here are some pictures. He is on the Hawks. His team says a cheer before every game. I was explaining this to my mother-in law the other day, I said their cheer is, "Hawks, hawks see us soar!" Bryan quickly corrected me, "No, Becca its, 1-2-3 hawks, hawks, see us soar!"

Catch up

Well we have had a lot happen in the last couple of weeks. Jonathan's car died and we had to buy a new one in a weekend. Luckily we had enough savings to pay cash for the car and did not acquire a new car payment. It is a blue Honda Accord similar to the white one below, but the doors were not what was represented. We were really disappointed when we got there to buy the car, but we decided that somehow we could live with normal doors.

We will have to sell Jonathan's car. It has a cracked head and whoever buys it will have to know how to work on cars. I guess we will put an ad in the Thrifty Nickel or something.

We did have an Easter with snow and I finally have some pictures to show you. I had to wake Bryan up early on Sunday morning to play before it all melted away. Unfortunately we were in Austin during the snowfall so we didn't get to see that, but we did enjoy the drive home with all of the snow on the sides of the road.

Here is our snowman, notice the Easter candy that we used for the buttons and eyes and the branches with leaves for the arms.

Here is a picture of Bryan in the snow

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New car

We got a new car this weekend. Bryan especially likes the cool doors.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


We have found out that CPS cannot offer any assistance with our adoption of Bryan, but we are still in good spirits. We feel like God has taken care of us through this whole process and he will continue to do so.

We talked to Bryan's mom about the adoption and while it was hard for her, I think that she understands its necessity. Jonathan and I are really ready to have everything finalized and we are hoping that it will be a swift process. From what I have read online, family adoptions usually have less red tape.

Please keep us, Bryan and my sister in your prayers as we go through this process.

We hope that all of you are doing well! I will post on Bryan's first baseball game soon.

Monday, April 02, 2007


I'm so sorry guys. I'm so behind on my blog! I haven't even talked to my sister about her new puppy even though she called me 4 days ago! Please bear with me and enjoy this picture while I am away.