Jonathan, Bryan and I went down to Pflugerville to watch Brandon's game. Brandon is very athletic and plays multiple sports. We knew that he had made some sort of special basketball league and we were pretty sure that it was going on throughout the year and not just in basketball season. So it didn't seem odd to us that we were going to see a basketball game in October. We found the gym and were hoping that the game was running late b/c we were running late. Inside the gym the only game that we see going on is a girls volleyball game. So we asked the lady taking money where we could find a basketball game. She looked at us a little weird and said that she didn't know anything about a basketball game.
So we called Grandma (Mom) and asked if she was sure that this game was a Pflugerville because we couldn't find it. She informed us that it was a football game. We said that we had noticed a football game that was just starting. So we headed over there, feeling a little dumb, but glad that we had not missed the game.
The game was good even though Brandon's team did not win. He had an awesome catch, I don't know the yardage, but he did catch it from a very long distance. Nat J was wearing his San Diego Chargers football uniform and he and Bryan had a lot of fun playing football. I don't know if they watched much of the game, but they did enjoy each other. We spent a lot of money at the snack bar and I think that we visited it 4 or 5 times. Of course no one knew exactly what they wanted the first time we went. It was good to see the Nystroms and Debi. Go Brandon for his awesome catch! Thanks for inviting us Brandon.
Are Blogs Still A Thing?
2 years ago
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