There is this series that has been around for a couple of years starring Kiefer Sutherland. It is called 24. It is a show in real time. Each episode is one hours of a 24 hour day. It is action packed and one of those shows that you know is good because you just can't believe how quickly it went by. That is how I know that I had a good lesson at school, the kids say, "Its already over?" I love those days.
Anyway, so I hadn't really heard of this show, but I guess I was behind. One couple in our group at church bought the first season because they loved it so much. They let another couple watch it and then it has been passed around to nearly everyone in our group. Last Wednesday night Steve came up to me and handed it to me. He said, "I heard you were next." I was thinking, next for what. Well apparently there is like a waiting list for this show.
I am totally addicted. But Jonathan is like 4 hours behind me so we can't watch it together. I keep encouraging him to watch some more episodes, but I'm never up at the same hour as him so we couldn't watch it together anyway. I think that the show is still running, but I have not idea when. I will soon find out.