Kylee does pretty well with Bailey. We had our first incident the other day where she hit her while I was nursing her. I know she was jealous because I couldn't do what she wanted me to do. I understand. I decided a time out was an appropriate punishment and then she told Bailey she was sorry and gave her a kiss.
I took Bailey to her two month appt. today. Our doctor was booked and we couldn't see him. I like this other doctor okay, but I realized today how much I really like our doctor. Bailey did pretty well. She screamed for the shots which I expected. But what I didn't plan for was the effect they would have on Kylee. She was clinging to my arm yelling "hold you Mommy!" the whole time. I know it stresses her out anytime that Bailey cries so i should have seen it coming. After it was over she grabbed her blankie and sucked on her fingers while she sat in Bailey's car seat. Bailey's stats: length: 20.9, weight: 10.14. I forgot to ask what the percentiles were. I wonder if I can find them on the internet?
So here are lots of pictures and a couple of videos that are way overdue. If you don't want to look at lots of pictures, consider this post done.
Kylee and I made some peanut butter play dough one day while Bailey was sleeping. As you can see she enjoyed the eating part!
I put Bailey in Kylee's crib one day when I brought her in from the car. Kylee decided that she needed some toys to entertain her while she slept :)