Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

We had a great Father's Day. We gave Jonathan breakfast in bed and all joined him for a breakfast picnic. Then we went to church and heard a great sermon about the importance of Fathers. We headed over to the Olive Garden and met Jonathan's Dad and sister for lunch. It was very yummy!! Kylee enjoyed the tomatoes, olives and onions from the salad. I think she would eat anything that had their yummy dressing on it.

Then we came back to our house and played Dad's new gift, Guitar Hero for the wii. We went over to friend's house last week and he had gotten it as an early Father's Day gift. Jonathan began dropping hints about how he wanted one, so I took the hint and we have really had fun.

Here is a picture of Jonathan with the kids!

Never to old for Daddy to read you a story!!

In other news, Kylee is really growing up. She now picks out what she wants to wear. Recently her favorite thing is swim diapers. Don't ask me why, but she finds them and brings them to me just about every day. I even try to hide them, but it doesn't work. She then cries until I give in and put one on her.

She is talking a lot more. These are the words that she says regularly: Dada, Daddy, Mama, Mommy, Bubba, snack ("sac"), berry ("bewwy"), cheese, , Bible, dog, kitty (very high pitched, "ki-ee") no, yes (but only shaking her head), please (but only in sign language), and I'm sure there are others that I have forgotten.

She also loves to sit in her baby doll's stroller. I think she looks like such a little lady here.

She loves Bibles. Here is a little video of her singing her new favorite song!

Here's to all the Fathers, we hope you had a great day!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As most of you know I have been trying to sort out Bryan's medicaid since he got home. Somehow his coverage got dropped while he was living at the home and it takes three months to reapply so we were left paying out of pocket in the mean time. I called again the other day to check his dates of coverage so that we could add him to Jonathan's insurance and it turns out that he has had medicaid all this time! Somehow he had it under someone else (they wouldn't tell me who). So I was on the phone with them for about an hour and a half trying to sort it out. I was so thankful that I finally talked to someone who got to the bottom of the case.

I was very thankful for Bryan during this time. He kept Kylee entertained for me. I highly recommend the older sibling situation :) Today we were all eating lunch on the bed with Jonathan (he had a migraine) and Kylee was giggling and entertaining us. Bryan said, "I'm so glad that we have a little sister."

So anyway back to medicaid. They got it all sorted out and I went to the office to get a copy of the card yesterday. I got there about 7:45 and they opened at 8. I came prepared with a bottle, snacks and books for Kylee; anything to keep her from walking around. I strapped her in the stroller and she did great. I had to hold her while I was actually talking to the lady at the window, but I think Kylee was just being nosy and wanted to know what was going on :)

I got the card and we were out the door at 8:30! Plus I got a check in the mail from Scott and White today for $90. I looked at the memo and it was from like a year ago for Bryan. I guess they overcharged us or something. So that pays for his psychiatrist visit. Yea!!

I'm sorry I don't have any picures. My computer is down in Austin getting a new screne since Kylee stepped on it :( I will have more pictures up when i get it back. I hope everyone is having a great summer.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Splash Time!

We have been getting out and getting wet lately. We have made 3 trips to the splash park and created a splash park in our front yard! Here are a couple of pictures and a video.

Who knew that a diaper box could be such a great mode of transportation?

And one just because she is so sweet!

We hope that all of you are enjoying your summers!!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Bryan is Home!!!

Bryan has been home for a week now and I am just now getting to post about it. We went to Stephenville last weekend and picked him up. Jonathan and I both agree that we will NOT miss that drive.

Here is he is his house parents, Debbie and Joel.

Here he is with his family of Home 5

Snuggling with Grandma!

We had a welcome home party for Bryan last Saturday. Here he is with all of his cousins!

I liked this one. It's a great shot of Kylee.
This is supposed to be one of those cute shots of everyone's feet.